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Assisting individuals to achieve a balance between activity and rest in nursing

Assisting individuals to achieve a balance between activity and rest in nursing
Sleep and rest are essential human needs. Assisting individuals to achieve a balance between rest and activity is therefore a crucial nursing intervention. For children night-time sleep patterns are often hard to establish, and times for going to bed are often arranged around family routines. To avoid angering parents it is therefore important to stick to the child’s established bedtime, as re-establishing the pattern later may be very troublesome. From the age of about 4 months a child needs less and less sleep during the day, until about the age of 4 years when no daytime sleep is required.

Adhering to daytime sleep patterns is as important as night-time patterns as the child will become irritable and cross if sleep is denied. It may also then be difficult to get the child to sleep later. Signs of a child being ready for sleep include incessant crying, unco-operative behaviour and irritability. Finally, as a point of note, waking in the night during nightmares or for a drink is quite common in children and can also occur in ill adults, particularly older clients and those suffering from depression, where early morning waking may also be manifest. In these cases reassurance should be given as these clients are often confused and disorientated.

Techniques used to relax clients
Some are particularly useful if the client is anxious or overstimulated. Others can help reduce pain and discomfort in some individuals and promote a feeling of well-being. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that their use is compatible with the client’s condition and current orthodox treatment

Behavioural conditioning
This can help clients readjust any maladaptive behaviours/ coping mechanisms that might be inhibiting sleep and rest

Deep breathing exercises
Aids ventilation and circulation, and reduces the individual’s potential to develop a chest infection, whilst having a calming effect

Physical exercise/sport
Whilst involving varying degrees of physical activity, which should be determined in consultation with other members of the multidisciplinary team, exercise can actually aid sleep and rest by providing an alternative stimulus to the brain and musculature

Herbal medicines
Some herbs such as lavender and camomile are thought to combat stress and thus aid rest and sleep in some individuals. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that their use is compatible with the client’s condition and current orthodox treatment

Can be useful for clients who are stressed or in pain or discomfort

Music therapy
Dependent on the material selected, can be used to stimulate or relax the individual

Dependent on the material selected, can stimulate or relax the individual

Relaxation tapes
Encourages systematic relaxation and is useful in clients who are stressed or anxious

Visualization techniques
Useful for individuals who find it difficult to ‘switch off’ mentally

Can be used to ‘refresh’ the body and mind at stressful times

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