Assisting individuals with Facial shaving in nursing
Facial shaving is often a significant aspect of a man’s personal hygiene routine and can improve both his comfort and self-esteem. It can be performed during or following washing. In assessing a client’s needs the following should be considered:
1 The frequency of shaving. Clients without beards usually shave daily but clients with moustaches and beards should not be ignored, as they also require daily grooming. It is important to assess the religious and cultural beliefs of clients in relation to the management of body hair to avoid causing offence.
2 The client’s ability to manipulate a razor.
3 The client’s safety in handling equipment and performing facial shaving, for example an electric razor may be preferable if the client is unstable.
4 The condition of the client’s skin, for example raised areas, pimples, rashes.
5 Wet shaving is not recommended for clients with a bleeding disorder, epilepsy or neuromuscular disorder such as Parkinson’s disease as the risk of injury is significantly increased.
Some medications and disorders can induce the growth of facial hair in women. This clearly needs addressing tactfully and diplomatically. The equipment usually consists of apron, mirror, electric razor with clean cutting heads (preferably client’s own) and/or disposable razor, towel for protection, shaving cream or soap (if wet shaving), aftershave lotion, skin conditioner (if desired), bowl and wipes/face flannel. The procedures and rationales for facial shaving are given below. To reduce the likelihood of injury these procedures should only be undertaken by a skilled person.
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